Announcing the NewsWhip Developer Hub

On behalf of the API team at NewsWhip, it is my pleasure to announce the launch of our Developer Hub.

An update to API names

Traditionally we've grouped our APIs into three plans. The first, optimised for the most common real-time use cases, was the GET API. The second, with historical data going as far back as 2018, was the POST API. Finally, the Syndication API, for newswire services.

Version 1.8.2

Fixed an issue where ig_post_text was always blank

Version 1.8.1

Fixed an issue where properly formatted queries were being refused with a 400 error

Version 1.8.0

Need to find the most influential people talking about a subject? This update is for you. We're excited to announce two new endpoints to make it easier than ever before to find Facebook and Twitter influencers.

Version 1.7.0

An update to add Predicted Interactions to the v1/articles endpoint.

Version 1.6.0

An update to make it easier to search for Facebook posts, and to better control the behaviour of queries when using search defaults.

Version 1.5.1

An update to improve documentation for v1/articles.

Version 1.5.0

Various updates around Facebook engagement.

Version 1.4.0

An update to improve the v1/articles endpoint and our documentation around it.